Things I Liked Last Month: November 2024

01 December 2024

Welcome to another dispatch of Jackalope Mail! I’ve been super busy this month: I wrote about How Wanderhome Mechanises Animism, and I released two games for game jams! Late Night in Limbo is a 200-Word RPG about a talk show hosted by the spirit of death; and There's Something About the Deep is a game about being stuck in the worst company in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean. I’ve also got a sale running for my birthday week starting tomorrow! You can get all my games for 21% off here!

Mind Over Magnet

I’ve been a fan of Game Maker’s Toolkit on YouTube for a long time now, and it’s been amazing to follow his Developing series where he makes his very first video game: Mind Over Magnet, a puzzle game about magnetism.

I had a great time overall, especially in the second half, but ultimately it felt a little short. Most people, myself included, seem to be clocking in about 2 hours, which isn’t a lot for £8.50. But if the game goes on sale, definitely pick it up!


Heretic was a BLAST, exactly what I wanted from the trailer! Hugh Grant kills it as the antagonist, he’s constantly making little awkward jokes and you can’t tell if you’re supposed to laugh at him or be scared of him. I really love how this film discusses a lot of different religions, but ultimately lets you come to your own conclusions. A wild ride that was right up my street. Check it out if you can!


Check him out on YouTube here!

I can’t believe it took me this long to discover LegalKimchi, his video How History Is Fabricated had been sitting in my Watch Later for ages, but I finally took the plunge and checked it out. It’s great! So great that I went on a binge of a bunch of his past videos too. I particularly recommend Bioessentialism in Gaming and Don't Read Shakespeare*.


Let me know what you got up to this week in the comments!